Taking care of your body in photography or in life! by Phillip Reid

Hi guys long time no blog I will do better promise. Today i’ve got a YouTube video for you from one of my favourite channels Andrew Good Camera it’s on looking after your body and avoiding overuse syndromes something that has become more important to me now i’m in my 50s the aches and pains seem to show up when you least expect them. I think its it's something we don’t think about a lot when we are out taking photos lugging around a camera bag holding on to a camera or even your cell phone some of the positions or bad habits we do without noticing. Andrew’s brother is a physiotherapist and his a great explanation of how the body works and what we are doing wrong and more importantly how to correct your bad habits. Then he moves into exercises you can do to strengthen your body not only for photography but just daily living. I can highly recommend this video and while you are at it check out Andrew’s YouTube channel specially if you use Fujifilm cameras you will not be disappointed . Have a great weekend and remember to Do Good With Your Camera.

And here is a link to Andrew and Denae's YouTube
